Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Counties
Johnstown, NY 12095
Download printer-friendly July 7 special meeting minutes
July 7, 2021
HFM BOCES Board Room
Special Board Meeting
Harry Brooks, Carmen Caraco, Rebecca Cozzocrea, John DeValve, Jean LaPorta, Matt Sullivan and Kathryn Zajicek
David Ziskin, District Superintendent; Lorraine Hohenforst, Deputy Superintendent; Kathi Lewis, School Business Manager; Aaron Flynn, Human Resources Manager; Craig Clark, Communications Specialist and Christine Eaton, Clerk
President Brooks called the meeting to order at 5:11 p.m.
Upon the District Superintendent’s recommendation, the following personnel items were presented to the Board for acceptance or approval. All new appointments are contingent upon receipt of Employment Eligibility Verification form.
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried to accept the following resignations:
1. Name: Christy Evers, Position: Art Teacher, Division: Itinerant Services (09/01/20), Effective Date: 08/31/2021
(SY 21-22 #1)
Unpaid Leave Of Absence
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried to approve the following leave of absence:
1. Name: J. Anthony DiMezza, Position: Art Teacher, Division: Itinerant Services (09/01/20), Effective Date: 5/10/21 (1/2 day) & 6/7/21
(SY 21-22 #2)
Establish Positions
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried to establish the following positions:
1. POSITION: Teacher on Special Assignment, PROGRAM/LOCATION: Instructional Services, EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/01/2021
Appointments Certified Teachers
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried to appoint the following certified teachers:
(Tenure will be contingent upon achievement of effective or highly effective APPR ratings necessary to receive tenure throughout his or her probationary period, consistent with the requirements of Education Law Sections 3012, 3012-c, 3012-d)
a. Name: Amy Rietschel, Appointment Type: Probationary, Title: Teacher on Special Assignment, Tenure Area: Instructional Support Services in Professional Learning, Salary: $54,171.00, Effective Date: 09/01/2021-08/31/2025, Department: Instructional Services, FTE: 1.0, Certification: Childhood Education (Grades 1-6) Professional
Ms. Rietschel is also appointed for up to 30 summer days with supervisor authorization at her per diem rate effective 7/1/21.
b. Name: Shayna Brinkman, Appointment Type: Probationary, Title: Teacher on Special Assignment, Tenure Area: Instructional Support Services in Curriculum & Differentiated Instruction, Incorporating the Analysis of Student Performance Data, Salary: $59,032.00, Effective Date: 09/01/2021-08/31/2025, Department: Instructional Services, FTE: 1.0, Certification: Childhood Education (grades 1-6) – Professional
Ms. Brinkman is also appointed for up to 30 summer days with supervisor authorization at her per diem rate effective 7/1/21.
(SY 21-22 #3, #4)
Appointments Certified Teachers Temp and/or PT
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried to appoint the following certified temporary and/or part-time teachers:
a. Name: Tamara Berberich, Appointment Type: Part-time, Title: Special Education Teacher, Tenure Area: N/A, Salary:
$51,793.00 pro-rated to $25,869.50 pending contract negotiations, Effective Date: 09/01/2021, Department: CTE, FTE: 0.5, Certification: Special Education – Permanent
b. Name: Catherine Dunn, Appointment Type: Part-time, Title: Special Education Teacher, Tenure Area: N/A, Salary: $51,739.00 pro-rated to $25,869.50 pending contract negotiations, Effective Date: 09/01/2021, Department: CTE, FTE: 0.5, Certification: Special Education – Permanent
c. Name: Sarah Owens, Appointment Type: Part-time, Title: Art Teacher, Tenure Area: N/A, Salary: $44,288.00 pro-rated to $26,572.80 pending contract negotiations, Effective Date: 09/01/2021, Department: Itinerant Services, FTE: 0.6 FTE, Certification: Visual Arts – Initial
(SY 21-22 #5, #6, #7)
All Other Appointments
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried to approve the following all other appointments:
Recommend the Board approve the appointments and re-appointments of staff listed below for the 2021-22 school year, with effective dates as noted. Employees are not eligible for benefits (health, dental, vision, long term disability and life insurance).
1. Name: Frances Boyer, Division: CTE, Rate: $40.00, Per Hour, Term of Employment: 07/01/2021-06/30/2022, Not to Exceed: 900 Hours, Position Category: Hourly Literacy Instructional Coach
2. Name: JoMarie DiTata, Division: CTE, Rate: $40.00 Per Hour, Term of Employment: 07/01/2021-06/30/2022, Not to Exceed: 300 Hours, Position Category: Hourly Technology Instructional Coach
3. Name: Joanne Schmidt, Division: CTE, Rate: $190.00 Per Diem, Term of Employment: 09/01/2021-06/30/2022, Not to Exceed: 185 days, Position Category: Medical Assisting Clinical Instructor
4. Name: Ron Luft, Division: CTE, Rate:$190.00 Per Diem, Term of Employment: 09/01/2021-06/30/2022, Not to Exceed: 50 days, Position Category: Medical Assisting Clinical Instructor
(SY 21-22 #8, #9)
Appoint the following Adirondack Academy staff members to work up to 20 days at their daily rate from July 1, 2021 to August 31, 2021.
Julie Blanchard – School Counselor
Kasie Hext – School Psychologist
(SY 21-22 #10)
Appoint the following ADK staff members to work up to 30 hours on curriculum planning and or Professional Development at the rate of $25.00 per hour between 07/01/2021-08/31/2021
Heather Haas, Heather Shaw, Charles Goebel, Roger Bowley, Thomas Halloran, Edward Stroud, Maureen Jones, Michael Schell, Karen Quinn, Anthony DiMezza, Jill Brunetto, Jill Giambroni, Adam Cole, Russel Brown, Dylan Toscano
(SY 21-22 #11)
Appoint the following non-teaching ADK staff members to work up to 30 hours at their hourly rate between 07/01/2021-08/31/2021 on curriculum planning and or Professional Development:
Laurie Eaton
Jeremy Rowland
(SY 21-22 #11)
Appoint the following CTE staff member to work up to 50 hours on curriculum work at the rate of $25.00 per hour between 07/01/2021-08/31/2021
Catherine Dunn
(SY 21-22 #12)
a. Approve the following CTE staff member to work up to 5 days at her daily rate as School Nurses between 7/1/21 and 8/31/21:
Beth Smith
(SY 21-22 #11)
Appoint the following CTE staff to work up to 25 hours on curriculum work at her hourly rate effective 7/1/21 through 8/31/21.
Lisa Zarecki
(SY 21-22 #12)
Appoint the following as Advisors for the 2021-2022 School year:
1. Name: Andrew Huth, Department: CTE, Organization: Yearbook
2. Name: Phillip Schuyler, Department: CTE, Organization: CTE/Marketing Promotion
3. Name: Todd Harper, Department: CTE, Organization: Culinary Arts Advisor
4. Name: Thomas Davis, Department: CTE, Organization: CTECC
5. Name: Ryan England, Department: CTE, Organization: National Technical Honor Society
(SY 21-22 #13)
Kathryn Zajicek made a motion to authorize the District Superintendent to execute the Independent Contractor Services Agreement by and between HFM BOCES and David Leavitt to provide on-site and electronic consultation in support of the efforts of ADK to provide a positive climate and culture for the students, parents, faculty, staff and administration from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. This motion was seconded by Matt Sullivan and unanimously carried. (SY 21-22 #14)
Matt Sullivan made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to authorize the District Superintendent to execute the Contract for Administration of Career and Technical Education – Business and Education Partnership by and between HFM BOCES and the Fulton-Montgomery Regional Chamber of Commerce effective September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022. (SY 21-22 #15)
RFP 21-12
John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Zajicek and unanimously carried to reject RFP 21-12 submission due to higher than expected price structure. The intent is to modify specifications and reissue the request. (SY 21-22 #16,#16B)
At 5:26 p.m. the Board entered executive session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining negotiations pertaining to the Teachers’ Association Union, pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law upon a motion made by Jean LaPorta, seconded by Kathryn Zajicek DeValve and unanimously carried.
At 6:22 p.m. John DeValve made a motion to return to open session. This motion was seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried.
July 28, 2021 Goal Setting and Special Board Meeting, HFM BOCES Board Room 4 P.M.
With no further business to come before the Board, John DeValve made a motion at 6:23 p.m. to adjourn the meeting. This motion was seconded by Carmen Caraco and unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Eaton
Clerk of the Board