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November 30, 2022 Board of Education Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2023 | Filed in Archive

Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Counties
Johnstown, NY 12095

Click here to view printer-friendly November 30 meeting minutes


November 30, 2022


HFM BOCES Board Room


Regular Meeting


Harry Brooks, Carmen Caraco, Rebecca Cozzocrea, John DeValve, Jean LaPorta, Matt Sullivan and Kathryn Zajicek


David Ziskin, District Superintendent; Jay DeTraglia, Assistant Superintendent; Aaron Bochniak, Assistant Superintendent; Kathi Lewis, School Business Official; Christine Carioto, Adirondack Academy Principal; James Lorenzoni, School Safety Officer; Shayrellis Alicea, Adirondack Academy Student and Christine Eaton, Clerk


Harry Brooks called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.


John DeValve made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Zajicek and unanimously carried to waive the 48-hour notice and approve the agenda as presented and add or remove any items introduced by unanimous vote.


Jean LaPorta made a motion, seconded by Carmen Caraco to approve the minutes of the October 26, 2022 Board meeting.  This motion was unanimously carried.


The Assistant Superintendent for Educational Service’s Partnership-Advocacy-Leadership Report included:

► Adirondack Academy Presentation


The Assistant Superintendent for BOCES Operations and Component District Service’s Partnership-Advocacy-Leadership report included:

► Utica University Transitional B


The District Superintendent’s Partnership-Advocacy-Leadership report included:

► State Updates


Upon the District Superintendent’s recommendation, the following personnel items were presented to the Board for acceptance or approval.  All new appointments are contingent upon receipt of Employment Eligibility Verification form.

Personnel Matters Unclassified A-P

Kathryn Zajicek made a motion, seconded by Rebecca Cozzocrea and unanimously carried to accept the following Unclassified Personnel Matters:

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Board of Cooperative Education Services accepts the recommendation of the District Superintendent to approve the following unclassified personnel actions:
A. Probationary Appointments:
Upon the recommendation of the District Superintendent, the Board of Education hereby appoint the individual(s) listed below to a probationary appointment in the indicated tenure area contingent upon their successful completion of the probationary term and having received composite or overall APPR ratings of either “Effective” or “Highly Effective” in at least three of the four preceding years and a rating higher than ineffective.
Item Name Tenure Area/
Position Title
FTE Assignment Probationary Appointment Start Date Probationary Appointment End Date Certification Status Salary
1 Keyser, Kayla School Social Worker / Behaviorist 1 Adirondack Academy 12/15/2022 12/14/2026 School Social Worker Provisional Schedule D, Step 8
2 Bronski, Justyna Instructional Support in Professional Learning / Teacher on Special Assignment (Instructional Coach) 1 Instructional Services 12/1/2022 11/30/2026 Math 7-12 Professional Schedule D, Step 7 (prorated)
3 Paul, Nadine** Administrative Coordinator / Administrative Coordinator – Special Education 1 Special Education 1/3/2023 1/2/2027 School Building Leader Initial $85,000 (prorated)
*Original appointment on 8/31/2022 amended to change status from temporary to part-time
**Appointment contingent upon successful completion of all requirements for certification


B. Tenure Appointments:
Upon the recommendation of the District Superintendent, the Board of Education hereby tentatively grants the following instructional employee(s) tenure in the indicated tenure area contingent upon successful completion of the probationary term.
C. Temporary Appointments
Item Name Position Title FTE Assignment Start Date End Date Certification Salary
1 Peters, Susan Spanish Teacher 1 Adirondack Academy 12/6/2022 6/30/2023 Spanish 7-12 Permanent $75,000 (prorated)
2 Sommerville-Braun, Nathanael Equity & Inclusion Club Extracurricular Compensation Special Education 9/1/2022 6/30/2023 n/a Per Article 20 of the BOCES Teachers’ Association Contract
3 Decker, Donna* Interim Administrative Coordinator Up to 100 days Special Education 10/19/2022 6/30/2023 Special Education Permanent, School District Administrator Permanent $500.00/day
*Original appointment 10/26/2022 being amended to revise start date
D. Leave Replacements
E. Substitutes (Certified)
Item Name Position Title FTE Assignment Start Date End Date Certification Salary
1 Peconie, Ann Substitute Teacher Certified Pro Re Nata Any BOCES Location, as needed 12/1/2022 6/30/2023 School Attendance Teacher Permanent, School Counselor Permanent Per diem*
*Hourly or per diem substitute rate as established by the Board of Education on 7/6/2022
F. Substitutes (Uncertified)
Item Name Position Title FTE Assignment Start Date End Date Salary
1 Andujar, Amy Substitute Teacher Uncertified Pro Re Nata Any BOCES Location, as needed 12/1/2022 6/30/2023 Per diem*
2 Brittain, Laura Substitute Teacher Uncertified Pro Re Nata Any BOCES Location, as needed 12/1/2022 6/30/2023 Per diem*


3 Bryant, Garrison Substitute Teacher Uncertified Pro Re Nata Any BOCES Location, as needed 12/1/2022 6/30/2023 Per diem*
4 Fisher, Madison Substitute Teacher Uncertified Pro Re Nata Any BOCES Location, as needed 12/1/2022 6/30/2023 Per diem*
5 Palczak, Gregory Substitute Teacher Uncertified Pro Re Nata Any BOCES Location, as needed 12/1/2022 6/30/2023 Per diem*
6 Tevis-Finn, Julie Substitute Teacher Uncertified Pro Re Nata Any BOCES Location, as needed 12/1/2022 6/30/2023 Per diem*
7 Yacobucci, Jaclyn Substitute Teacher Uncertified Pro Re Nata Any BOCES Location, as needed 12/1/2022 6/30/2023 Per diem*
*Hourly or per diem substitute rate as established by the Board of Education on 7/6/2022
G. Leaves (Unpaid)
Leaves (FMLA)*
Item Name Position Title Assignment Date(s)
1 Kelly, Cheryl Teacher Special Education 11/3/2022 – 11/2/2023 (intermittent)
2 Martino, Brianne Teacher Special Education 11/25/2022 – 3/6/2023
3 Wild, Elizabeth Administrative Coordinator Special Education 12/13/2022 – 3/21/2023
4 Young, Killian School Social Worker Special Education 12/7/2022 – 2/3/2023
*Time off constitutes use of employee’s leave accruals and, once exhausted, unpaid leave time
H. Resignations
Item Name Position Assignment Effective Date
1 Kucharik, Mark Speech Pathologist Special Education 11/25/2022
I. Layoffs
J. Recalls


K. Terminations
L. Retirements
Item Name Position Assignment Effective Date
1 Iarossi, JoAnn Teacher Special Education 11/28/2022
M. Summer (Temporary) Appointments
N. Rescind Appointments – Instructional Personnel
O. Change of Assignment – Instructional Personnel – Informational Only
P. Change FTE/Hours/Salary
Item Name Position Title Effort From Effort To Effective Date Salary
1 Brown, Eleanor* Speech Teacher 0.60 1.00 11/21/2022 $90,516.55 (prorated)
*Temporary Appointment, 9/1/2022 – 6/30/2023

Personnel Matters Classified

Kathryn Zajicek made a motion, seconded by Rebecca Cozzocrea and unanimously carried to accept the following Classified Personnel Matters:

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Board of Cooperative Education Services accepts the recommendation of the District Superintendent to approve the following classified personnel actions:
A. Non-Instructional Appointments:  Permanent Status Serving Probation
Item Name Position Title FTE Assignment Probationary Appointment Start Date Probationary Appointment End Date Salary
1 Chase, Angela School Bus Attendant 1.0 Regional Transportation 10/31/2022 10/30/2023 $14.03/hour


2 VanAllen, Marie School Bus Attendant 1.0 Regional Transportation 11/7/2022 11/6/2023 $14.03/hour
3 Vogel, Kayla Marie School Bus Attendant 1.0 Regional Transportation 11/21/2022 11/20/2023 $14.03/hour
4 Kohler, Pamela Teacher Aide 1.0 Special Education 11/7/2022 11/6/2023 $21,006.98 (prorated)
B. Non-Instructional Appointments:  Contingent Permanent
C. Provisional Appointments:  Starting
Item Name Position Title FTE Assignment Start Date Salary
1 Westfall, Kaitlyn Physical Therapist (School District) 1.0 Special Education 12/12/2022 $55,000 +
$1,500 doctoral degree supplement (prorated)
Provisional Appointments:  Ending
D. Substitute Appointments
Item Name Position Title FTE Assignment Start Date End Date Salary
1 Bryant, Garrison Substitute School Monitor Pro Re Nata Any BOCES Location, as needed 12/1/2022 6/30/2023 Per Hour*
2 Fisher, Madison Substitute School Monitor Pro Re Nata Any BOCES Location, as needed 12/1/2022 6/30/2023 Per Hour*
3 Bryant, Garrison Substitute Teacher Aide Pro Re Nata Any BOCES Location, as needed 12/1/2022 6/30/2023 Per Hour*
4 Fisher, Madison Substitute Teacher Aide Pro Re Nata Any BOCES Location, as needed 12/1/2022 6/30/2023 Per Hour*
5 Austin, Gary Substitute School Bus Attendant Pro Re Nata Regional Transportation 11/21/2022 6/30/2023 Per Hour*
6 McArthur, Victoria Substitute School Bus Attendant Pro Re Nata Regional Transportation 12/5/2022 6/30/2023 Per Hour*


7 Pagles, Lorraine Substitute School Bus Attendant Pro Re Nata Regional Transportation 11/7/2022 6/30/2023 Per Hour*
8 Chase, Angela Substitute School Bus Driver Trainee Pro Re Nata Regional Transportation 10/31/2022 6/30/2023 $18.01/hour
9 McArthur, Victoria Substitute School Bus Driver Trainee Pro Re Nata Regional Transportation 12/5/2022 6/30/2023 $18.01/hour
*Hourly or per diem substitute rate as established by the Board of Education on 7/6/2022
E. Leaves (Unpaid)
Item Name Position Title Assignment Effective Date(s)
1 Kline, Tiena Human Resources Specialist Human Resources 10/25/2022 – 10/28/2022
[4 days]
2 Graham, Taylor Teacher Aide Special Education 10/26/2022
3 Horton, Nikayla Physical Therapist Special Education 10/20/2022, 10/21/2022, 11/1/2022, 11/10/2022, 11/16/2022
[4.5 days]
4 Towne, Mackenzie Teacher Aide Special Education 10/28/2022, 10/31/2022 (1/2 day)
[1.5 days]
5 Papa, Mary Teacher Aide Special Education 11/22/2022
[1 day]
6 Rumrill, Colleen Teacher Aide Special Education 9/14/22 – 12/7/2022
Leaves (FMLA)*
Item Name Position Title Assignment Effective Date
1 Brownell, Karyl Teacher Aide Special Education 11/14/22 – 2/13/2023
2 Lander, Jennifer Senior Account Clerk Business Office 11/21/2022 – 5/19/2023 (intermittent)
*Time off constitutes use of employee’s leave accruals, if available, and once exhausted, unpaid leave time
Leave of Absence


F. Retirements
G. Terminations
Item Name Position Title Assignment Effective Date
1 Morey, Tiffany Teacher Aide Special Education 12/1/2022
H. Resignations
Item Name Position Title Assignment Effective Date
1 Chase, Angela School Bus Attendant Regional Transportation 11/8/2022
2 Kruger, Kiara Teacher Aide Special Education 11/11/2022
I. Layoffs
J. Recalls
K. Change of Assignment – Information Only
L. Temporary Appointments
Item Name Position Title Effort Assignment Start Date End Date Salary/Rate
1 Webb, Amy Substitute Food Service Teacher Stipend CTE 10/31/2022 3/3/2023 $92.25/day
2 Wilder, Paul Head Mechanic Stipend Regional Transportation 7/1/2022 6/30/2023 $3,500
M. Summer (Temporary Appointments)


N. Rescind Appointments
Item Name Position Title Assignment Effective Date
1 Gonzalez, Blanca* Substitute Teacher Aide Any BOCES Location, as needed 9/29/2022
*Original appointment 9/28/2022


Kathryn Zajicek made a motion, seconded by Rebecca Cozzocrea and unanimously carried to approve the following miscellaneous resolutions: Memorandum of Agreement by and between the HFM BOCES Board of Cooperative Educational Services and the CSEA Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Regional Transportation Unit dated November 30, 2022 (SY  22-23 #77)


Jean LaPorta made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to approve the Claims Auditor Report for the period of October 5, 2022 through October 27, 2022 (SY 22-23 #78)


Jean LaPorta made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the period of September 1, 2022 through September 30, 2022. (SY 22-23 #79)


Jean LaPorta made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to approve the October 2022 Extraclass report as submitted. (SY 22-23 #80)


Kathryn Zajicek made a motion, seconded by Matt Sullivan and unanimously carried to accept the following grant funds, and authorize their suitable appropriation and expenditure, pursuant to State Education Department and/or local approvals:

Perkins IV/CTEIA Basic Grant  – $184,684 (SY 22-23 #81)

WIOA, Title II, Adult Education and Literacy – $125,000 (SY 22-23 #82)

WIOA, Title II, Adult Education and Literacy (Amsterdam Literacy Zone) – $150,000 (SY 22-23 #83)

WIOA, Title II, Adult Education and Literacy (Gloversville Literacy Zone) – $150,000 (SY 22-23 #84)

WIOA, Title II, Integrated English and Civics Education – $300,000 (SY 22-23 #85)

WIOA, Title II, Corrections Education and Other Institutionalized Education – $250,000 (SY 22-23 #86)


John DeValve made a motion to authorize the District Superintendent to execute the Independent Contractor Services Agreement by and between HFM BOCES and Jennifer LaGarde to plan and deliver a one-day workshop for school librarians and other educators.  This motion was seconded by Kathryn Zajicek and unanimously carried.  (SY  22-23 #87)


Kathryn Zajicek made a motion to authorize the  District Superintendent to execute the Independent Contractor Services Agreement by and between HFM BOCES and ICAN to provide 10 days of Therapeutic Crisis Intervention refresher training.  This motion was seconded by Rebecca Cozzocrea and unanimously carried.  (SY  22-23 #88)


Pursuant to the competitive bidding process, Kathryn Zajicek made a motion, seconded by Jean LaPorta and unanimously carried to accept the Bid recommendations in accordance with the subject to provisions pf the BOCES Bid numbers: 23-04 and 23-03SP-RE as noted by memoranda from the Purchasing Official in the following areas:

RFB 23-04 Services for Building and Conditions Survey – Tetra Tech Architects & Engineers, 8 Southwoods Boulevard, Third Floor, Albany, NY 12211  (SY 22-23 #89, #89B)

RFB 23-03SP-RE Student Transportation Services – Amazing Grace Transportation, 1575 State Street, Schenectady, NY  12304.  (SY 22-23 #90, #90B)


Carmen Caraco made a motion, seconded by John DeValve and unanimously carried to authorize the District Superintendent to renew the Empire MediBlue Freedom PPO plan with Empire BlueCross to provide health insurance to HFM BOCES Medicare eligible retirees at a rate increase of 4.9% effective January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023.  (SY 22-23 #91)


Kathryn  Zajicek made a motion, seconded by Matt Sullivan and unanimously carried to accept the following policy and revised policies as first readings:

Policy #4500 – General Procurement Standards (SY 22-23 #92)

Policy #4501 – Competitive Bidding (SY 22-23 #93)

Policy #4502 – Non-Bid Purchasing (SY 22-23 #94)

Policy #4506 – Procurement: Uniform Grant Guidance for Federal Awards (SY 22-23 #95)


Jean LaPorta told the Board about the Health Insurance Committee meeting that she attended on November 21, 2022.


December 21 2022 – HFM BOCES Regular Board Meeting – 5:00 p.m., HFM BOCES Board Room


With no further business to come before the Board, John DeValve made a motion at 6:22 p.m. to adjourn the meeting.  This motion was seconded by Carmen Caraco and unanimously carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Eaton
Clerk of the Board
