More than 75 component school district leaders and the BOCES administrative team attended a Leadership Retreat held on the SUNY Fulton-Montgomery campus this week.

Dr. Rodrigo Campos presents on the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS).
The retreat featured Keynote Speaker, Dr. Rodrigo Campos, NYS Licensed Psychologist and NYS Certified School Psychologist. Dr. Campos currently works at the Multi-Tiered System of Support – Integrated (MTSS – I) Center as an MTSS-I Coach. He provides systems level consultation and professional development for districts and schools in New York City and on Long Island.
MTSS is a proactive process that brings together data and instruction to maximize student achievement. It is designed to support students social, emotional, and behavioral needs. Dr. Campos delved into the defining components of MTSS and challenged the attending districts to refine their definitions of MTSS, and what it means within their school districts. Dr. Campos highlighted that the tiers of MTSS are meant to be layered and work together as a whole; helping schools to identify struggling students earlier and provide the necessary intervention.

Greater Johnstown School District’s presentation included a video where listeners heard directly from students about how their newly implemented Mentorship Program has helped them with improved attendance and overall academic success.
Select school districts presented on their own implementation of MTSS; what unique challenges they faced, where they’ve seen progress and improvement, and how they are refining their own processes to better serve their school community. Presenting districts included Gloversville Enlarged School District, Greater Johnstown School District, Broadalbin-Perth Central School District, OESJ Central School District and Northville Central School District.
The retreat also included information on an accountability re-launch from Theresa Billington, Asst. Commissioner for the Office of Accountability, NYSED; a legal update from Girvin and Ferlazzo, PC Attorneys at Law; and OESJ student speaker Kaylee Heroth, who won first place in Senior High Prepared Public Speaking at the State FFA Convention in Buffalo and who will represent NY at Nationals in November.

Theresa Billington, Asst. Commissioner for the Office of Accountability, NYSED, provides an update on the accountability re-launch.
Aimed at bringing together the area leaders in education, the retreat was an informative and productive day for everyone in attendance.
Gloversville Enlarged School District Asst. Superintendent Chris Wojeski commented, “This is a great time to come together and network with our colleagues, to learn from each other, and implement their tools for success in our own schools. And hearing from experts like Dr. Campos and Theresa Billington on items we know are coming down the pipeline really clears up any misinformation. It’s great to have it presented to us in this way.”
- District leaders listen and learn from one another.
Component school districts in attendance:
- Greater Amsterdam School District
- Broadalbin-Perth Central School District
- Canajoharie Central School District
- Edinburg Common School District
- Fonda-Fultonville Central School District
- Fort Plain Central School District
- Gloversville Enlarged School District
- Greater Johnstown School District
- Lake Pleasant Central School District
- Mayfield Central School District
- Northville Central School District
- Oppenheim-Ephratah-St. Johnsville Central School District
- Wells Central School District
- Wheelerville Union Free School District