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Frequently asked questions

What is PTECH?

The Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery Pathways in Technology Early College High School, or PTECH, is a model for high school education that includes college-level, credit-bearing coursework in the curriculum and allows students to choose their own “pathways” to middle-skill jobs.

PTECH seeks to redefine secondary education with a curriculum that centers on project-based learning, critical thinking and professional skills. Through the program, selected students can earn one of 18 different associate degrees at no cost to their families and will be considered for jobs with participating companies when they graduate.

What college costs are covered for students enrolled in PTECH?

Tuition and the cost of class materials for SUNY Fulton-Montgomery  and SUNY Cobleskill courses are covered for students enrolled in the HFM PTECH program. However, PTECH students are considered scholarship students, and as such, certain academic standards are expected in order for college costs to be paid by the program.

While enrolled in PTECH, students will be allowed to retake one college course (due to failure, withdrawal, drop, or a grade not acceptable for the degree program) for which PTECH will pay. However, students will be responsible for the costs associated with any further courses beyond the one that they retake as part of their FMCC or SUNY Cobleskill graduation requirements. This includes textbooks, lab fees, and any additional costs associated with the course.

 This applies to all SUNY Fulton-Montgomery and SUNY Cobleskill courses PTECH students take, as well as college courses taught at the Glebe Street or HFM BOCES campus.

What kind of students are good candidates for PTECH?

A student who will succeed in PTECH is motivated to learn in new and exciting ways and thrives in a non-traditional classroom setting. Other important qualities include being creative, being a hands-on learner and having a positive attitude. Potential PTECH students should have the desire to build strong skills in communications, critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration and time management. They also should have a vision of using their individual talents and skills to impact their local and global communities.

Where do PTECH students attend school?

  • All ninth- and 10th-graders attend school at the Glebe Street School in Johnstown.
  • All 11th-graders will attend classes on the HFM BOCES and SUNY Fulton-Montgomery campuses.
  • Depending on their pathway, students in 12th-grade and beyond (years 13 and 14) will attend either SUNY Cobleskill (agriculture degree pathways) or SUNY Fulton-Montgomery (all other degree pathways).

Is transportation provided to PTECH students?

Yes, home school districts transport students from their home school to PTECH and the colleges in the morning, as well as from PTECH back to their home school in the afternoon. A late bus also is provided from PTECH two days a week.

Can I play sports or do other extra-curricular activities?

Yes, PTECH students are bused back to their home schools in time to participate in sports or other after-school activities. PTECH also offers after-school clubs and activities that include late-bus transportation.

Which school districts participate?

  • Greater Amsterdam School District
  • Broadalbin-Perth Central School District
  • Canajoharie Central School District
  • Edinburg Common School District
  • Fonda-Fultonville Central School District
  • Fort Plain Central School District
  • Gloversville Enlarged School District
  • Greater Johnstown School District
  • Lake Pleasant Central District
  • Mayfield Central School District
  • Northville Central School District
  • Oppenheim-Ephratah-St. Johnsville Central School
  • Wells Central School District
  • Wheelerville Union Free School District

What degrees can students earn?

There are 18 associate degrees offered that students can earn through PTECH.

At the end of their freshman year, students choose a pathway to pursue that matches their career interests. Students can choose from the following pathways and degrees:

    • Agriculture
      • Agricultural Business
      • Agricultural Science
      • Agricultural Engineering Technology: Power Machinery
      • Animal Industry
      • Biological Technology
      • Environmental Studies
      • Fisheries and Wildlife Technologies
      • Culinary Arts

      Degrees above are conferred by SUNY Cobleskill

      Advanced Manufacturing
      • Electrical Technology
      • Business Accounting
      • Business Management & Marketing
      Computer Science
      • Media Arts and Digital Technology
      • Computer Information Systems
      • Computer Networking and Cybersecurity
      Medical/Health Science
      • Health Information Records Management
      • Health Studies
      • Addiction Services
      • Radiologic Technology

      Degrees above are conferred by SUNY Fulton-Montgomery

    When and how do students apply?

    Eighth-graders in the participating districts can apply once the current year’s online application has opened, which is usually in mid-December. Deadlines are typically at the end of March.. The application process is done completely online and involves getting recommendations from teachers and guidance counselors, along with completing all parts of application, including a written statement. There is also a form parents fill out. Applicants will visit the school and participate in an interview session at that time.

    More information can be found here.

    How are students selected?

    Completed applications that are received by the deadline will be evaluated by the Application and Recruitment Team.
    Selected students are required to attend a “Summer Bridge” program for incoming freshmen.

    What if a student who applies is not selected?

    Students who meet the requirements but who are not selected will be placed on a waiting list for their school. Should a slot become available before the start of the school year, it will be offered to a student from the waiting list for that school.

    Is freshman year the only time students can enter PTECH?

    Yes. Because of the way the curriculum is structured to allow for acceleration into college courses, only current eighth-graders are eligible to apply to PTECH, and students must enter the program their freshman year of high school.

    Do PTECH students take part in their home high school graduation?

    Yes, students will be able to walk with their peers during graduation, although they won’t actually receive their diploma until they leave the PTECH program.

    What if I’ve taken accelerated classes in middle school?

    An education at PTECH is highly individualized to each student. Students’ curriculum will be adjusted to reflect the appropriate level of subject mastery.

    Who are the business partners and mentors, and what role do they play?

    PTECH works closely with the Fulton Montgomery Regional Chamber of Commerce to secure business partners. The regional business partners are committed to serving as mentors for students throughout their PTECH career, meeting with them in person and by virtual communication, as well as guiding internships and putting PTECH graduates in line for jobs within their companies.

    PTECH Business Partners and Mentors
