1. What is your current role in the school library? (11 responses)
School Library Media Specialist – 6
Library TA or aide – 2
Certified teacher assigned to library – 3
Other – 0
2. How supported do you feel with your requests to help manage item records for the central union catalog? (11 responses)
Supported – 9
Neutral – 2
Need more support – 0
3. The following resources are provided to each school. Please indicate your comfort level with each resource. (11 responses)
Learn 360 (CVOD, Mailbox)
Very comfortable – 4
Like more training – 5
Unaware we had this – 2
Very comfortable – 3
Like more training – 6
Unaware we had this – 2
Very comfortable – 6
Like more training – 4
Unaware we had this – 1
Noodle Tools
Very comfortable – 6
Like more training – 4
Unaware we had this – 1
Professional Journals
Very comfortable – 7
Like more training – 3
Unaware we had this – 1
Research Rocket
Very comfortable – 5
Like more training – 5
Unaware we had this – 1
4. Are there any of the above resources you would feel comfortable enough with to help support and train other librarians? (8 responses)
- Noodle Tools
- Not at this time
- I don’t feel comfortable to use myself. No training on these resources.
- Some of these I would like to see the company train on–Noodletools has some glitches that they need to address.
- Teaching Books
- No
- SWANK, Learn360, Lightbox, Sora, TeachingBooks
- Using SORA or maybe SWANK
5. SLS provides professional development that enhances the knowledge and skills necessary to be leaders while at the same time help increase library collaboration and promote student achievement. (11 responses)
Agree – 10
Neutral – 1
6. SLS provided PD sessions throughout 22-23. Check those below that you attended. (11 responses)
- Book Study: Developing Digital Detectives – 4
- Book Study: Teaching Students to Decode the World – 4
- CDLC Resources – 3
- Consider the Source – 2
- ILL Hold Copy Sharing – 1
- Media Literacy Cohort Training Session – 4
- Media Literacy with Jennifer LaGarde – 5
- Media Literacy NY: Reports from the Field – 4
- Mentoring meetings with mentor – 3
- New librarians mentoring orientation – 3
- New Resources in the IRC – 4
- Recharging Your Library – 4
- Unlocking the Potential of ChatGPT for Librarians – 2
- Using Sora for Student Engagement – 1
- Did not attend any sessions – 2
7. Of the sessions you attended above how would you rate their overall helpfulness: (11 responses)
Very helpful – 9
Did not participate – 2
8. Did you attend any collaborative professional development this past year? (CDLC, Regional, other BOCES) (11 responses)
Yes – 6
No – 5
9. Do you participate in advocacy for library programs at a local, state or national level? (11 responses)
Yes – 7
No – 4
10. Name one thing that you have done during the 22-23 school year that you are most proud of professionally. Please keep identifying names out of your response. (11 responses)
- I used the Media Decoding techniques and lessons from Project Look Sharp throughout my classes K-8 despite a lot of push back from grades 7 and 8.
- Helping students in grades 1-5 with various research projects during media time using books and technology, as well as helping them create writing pieces and slideshows on their Chromebooks.
- Utilizing a workshop from last school year, met with superintendent to explain the need for a formal challenge to materials policy, which is now adopted by the BOE as district policy
- I was able to bring an author to our school. The students and staff loved him and the kids are devouring his books.
- Completed our first complete site inventory in several years. Designed a 5, 6 7 and 8th grade library curriculum.
- Two very successful book fairs that I ran on my own
- Put our entire professional collection online–making it accessible to everyone for the first time.
- I have incorporated media decoding (learned at my pd) into my lessons. I have also started using stations in my library, which are working very well and give students the opportunity to learn in their own unique learning styles.
- Help get our Library up and running
- I am proud of redefining my goals by constantly reflecting and adjusting my practice, building stronger bonds across K-12. I am calling my vision “Canjo Connects” with a subsection called “Canjo Creates” and working towards the idea of a brand. I started the Library Ambassadors program to “connect” the elementary and middle school students through middle school classroom visits to elementary classes, observations, lesson leading, tool demonstration, and more. This sometimes combined with the Newspaper/Newsletter that we did in middle school library classes featured photos and articles that showcased the ‘bridge’ between our buildings. We likewise hosted the CSI computer science interns from the high school.
- Organizing a “buddy reading program” with MS classes and PK-2 classes during the month of March 2023.
11. What is the most important thing for school leaders to know about your library program? (11 responses)
- The most important thing they need to know is that collaboration is a two way street and requires both parties to actively participate in order for it to be successful. A fixed library schedule makes it impossible to achieve.
- That incorporating digital literacy into the library curriculum is an effective way to foster cognitive and technical skills among students in grades 1-5.
- school library programs are deserving of support as they touch all grade levels
- We work hard to help our youngest students discover who they are as a reader. We try to get every child excited about literacy.
- We have a wonderful collection that needs a leader to share it with staff. Don’t underestimate the value of our center.
- Need support and technology
- That provide access to all the resources needed.
- That students are not just checking out books and hearing a story. They are learning valuable information for their future.
- It is there and available
- The most important thing for school leaders to know about our school library program is that it connects the dots like stars in a constellation, while still letting every star shine. Every student gets the opportunity to follow their interests and also have a role in their educational options. There is no place more personalized with learning than the library where we can experiment and explore new learning but still support and extend classroom standards.
- Libraries need to be a place of positivity where students will feel welcome, safe and know they can find books and answers when using a library and asking a librarian.
12. Do you have any additional information you’d like to share that was not covered in this survey? Please keep identifying names out of your response. (11 responses)
- No
- Not at this time
- Not at this time
- I’m not sure on the dates of all the PD activities, I might have participated in more than the boxes checked.
- N/A
- All PD sessions were valuable and clear even to new non-certified library leaders.
- No
- We couldn’t do our jobs well without the School Library Systems-they are essential!
- N/A
- Thank you to the SLS and IRC for ALL you do! You are appreciated!