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HFM Cross Contract Services

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Other cross contract services may be requested by districts as needed.

HFM Cross Contract Services
HFM COSER # Name of Service Offering BOCES Offering BOCES COSER# Phone Number
422 Online Learning
(Blackboard, Apex, iTutor, GradPoint)
Capital Region 412

(518) 862-5320

502 Elementary Science Monroe 2-Orleans 502 (585) 352-1140
509 ¹ Instructional Computer Support ¹ Capital Region 512 (844) 696-3742
523 Grant Writing Capital Region 513 (518) 464-3978
532 Regional Certification Capital Region 667

(518) 862-4918

544 Learning Technology WSWHE 504 (518) 581-3735
607 ² NERIC Computer Services ² Capital Region 604 (844) 696-3742
611 Communications Service Capital Region 611 (518) 464-5113
614 Drug & Alcohol Testing (Transportation) Jefferson-Lewis 614 (315) 779-7050
616 ³ GASB 75 Service ³ Capital Region 616 (518) 464-3976
621 4 State Aid Planning 4 Questar III 621 (518) 477-2635
623 VoIp Telephone Solution Capital Region 623 (518) 862-5363
640 Policy Services Erie 1 659 (716) 821-7000
653 Shared Food Service Capital Region 606 (518) 862-4985

¹ Instructional Computer Support  includes Antivirus Maintenance, Curriculum Mapping, Hardware Purchases, Internet, Software Support

² NERIC Computer Services include Data Warehousing, Equipment Maintenance, E-Rate Program Support, E-School Data, Finance Manager, Groupwise, IEP Direct, LAN Services, Managed IT Services, School Tool, STAR, Tax Billing, Telecomm/Commun. Equip Maintenance, Testing – State Assessment

³ GASB 75 Service helps subscribers monitor the financial and economic impact of GASB Statement 75 regarding Other Post-Employment Benefit cost data in public school districts and BOCES.

4 State Aid Planning service helps school districts navigate their way through the complexities of school finance. Member districts and BOCES benefit from a broad spectrum of valuable services, from technical assistance with state aid forms and revenue projection to analysis of state aid proposals and education-related legislation.
